Business App Release 7.0
Give users freedom: With more flexibility for your own applications
- Widget technology that lets users assemble area pages, views, and masks with drag-and-drop ease
- Aggregation of data to provide statistics such as average, minimum, maximum, sum, and count, and then select them
- Automation in the masks that saves time and supports correct data entry
- Campaign management in the Customer Manager
- Email sending also via Microsoft 365 including OAuth authentication
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Configure apps more flexibly than ever with the Business App Platform
Based on their experience with the Internet and other software, users have developed certain expectations of a software interface. They have acquired ways of working to be able to fulfill their workload quickly and efficiently. We therefore believe that there should be no standard user interface.
Therefore, give your users the flexibility to build application interfaces according to their own requirements. This saves you work and helps your users focus on their goals.
With the new Business App Release 7.0, you configure flexible applications that provide a wide variety of information units as widgets. Users help themselves from a widget catalog and design views, masks and area pages to their own user interface, which they can change at any time by drag & drop.
Widgets can be grouped into a set and made available in your application. New widgets in the set can be instantly displayed anywhere the set is used.
With Business App 7.0 you design modern software with flexible UI
1. Capture information visually faster
With Business App 7.0, you create applications that statistically prepare data and highlight it using rules.
- conditional formatting for masks and views incl. Inclusion of an icon highlight values, cells, rows and columns according to your specifications
- Aggregation columns allow displaying summarized data, statistics as well as selections according to these values
- New column types for clickable links, formatted numbers, range filters, aggregation
- more overview of opened tabs
- Icon shows type of view and mask in tab
- Dropdown list shows all other open tabs that no longer fit on the tab bar
2. Functions for time-saving work
These configure you among other things:
- with configurable mask automation, which allow an automatic assignment of fields due to an event, e.g. A status change
- via hyperlinks in the dashboard, which open a related data set as a separate tab directly in the application
3. Avoidance of redundant programming
That’s why the new 7.0 Relase has configuration items like:
- Data columns with:
- Default titles and help texts directly at the data table: They are thus available application-wide, can be overwritten if necessary, and show any text changes immediately at all locations used
- central storage of formulas in the data table for calculated columns
- Checkbox to exclude editing of a column by configuration
- Navigation elements with:
- Options like do not open record, save record before action
- Secure use and formatting of HTML code in fields with the BBCode markup language
New features resulting from Business App Release 7.0
Customer Manager:
Functions to quickly set up and edit campaigns
- Campaigns with specifications for agent, status, priority, start/end
- Exclusion of addresses according to DSGVO
- Charting widget for the current status of the campaign
- Cockpit for quick editing with quicklinks, dialog for address maintenance
- Create documents and sales opportunities
- Mass editing such as set agent or status, move to a folder or add to a form letter
- Documentation of participation in campaigns incl. Status in company or contact profile
Construction kit for the user
You choose the widgets you want to use for your work and position them in views, masks and overview pages. This is how you design your personal interface, which you need to work efficiently. Widgets that you rarely need can be minified and unfolded for use. The system remembers your settings, arrangements and expanded or closed widgets for each area.
Please click on the picture to enlarge it.
- a widget catalog that displays all widgets available for selection
- an overview widget in masks, which shows among other things
- Number of associated operations incl. Date of the last operation created
- Number of dates incl. Date to the last and next appointment
- Resubmissions with number colored red when overdue
- Number of open tickets and tickets in process
- the new widgets:
- Day at a glance or “My appointments
- Integration of a website such as Echobot, in connection with the selected company
- Company structure with superordinate and subordinate companies in hierarchical and network representation
Visualize deviations and correlations
Based on stored rules, the Customer Manager highlights data through formatting and directs your attention to important information as the following examples show:
- The Company Analysis view highlights overdue opportunities, evaluates the customer, etc.
- Deviating formatting e.g. to the contacts of a company generated
- Color highlighting of people based on their function
- italic display of a contact with a different address
- Icons, which are e.g. Display open sales opportunities or overdue resubmissions for the person
More functions for templates and mailings
- Improved overview by defining the scope and status of a template (active or inactive)
- Function extension for mailings
- Add and remove contacts for unsent serial mailings or letters,
- further processing of mailing contacts e.g. letter printing for contacts with undeliverable e-mail address
New integrations
Users benefit from:
- the interface to Mircosoft 365 incl. Authentication. This provides another option for sending e-mails.
- of Marketing Automation with Evalanche. The Business App 7.0 exchanges contact data and activities such as unsubscribes and bounces with the connected software for this purpose.

Expansion of event management
- own area page for events
- Create
- Session and performance lists
- Activities on events, sessions and performances
- Dates, e.g. for a session, so that you have a temporal overview of the event with the corresponding calendar view.
See the Customer Manager page for more.
Get to know Business App in the guided demo!
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Please fill in the form & send it. You will then receive an email with a link to confirm your registration. We need the personal data you provide for the appointment coordination. After confirmation, you will receive an appointment for the CRM tour from our sales department by mail or phone call.