Lack of software developers
Why software developers are so rare:

“Many companies have great problems finding IT specialists.”
As in every year, Bitkom determined the number of missing IT professionals last autumn. The result: 38,000 vacancies are currently vacant, 10,000 more than a year earlier.
Many are freelancers out of conviction
The increasing demand for IT experts is also having an impact on their earning potential. According to one study, the salaries of specialists and executives rose by 4.5 percent last year. With a gross annual salary of around 60,000 euros, IT employees are doing well in industry comparison. Even energy suppliers or in vehicle manufacturing, which are generally regarded as very well-paid industries, earn less.
But a comparatively good salary is not enough for many IT professionals. More and more of them are exchanging the security of the employee’s existence for the unboundness of a freelancer. There are up to 80,000 freelancers in Germany. Their numbers are increasing continuously, but not disproportionately compared to employed IT specialists. Most freelancers work freelance because they appreciate the freedoms they have as their own boss – but not because they have no choice.
Developers on average 44 years old
Nevertheless, many freelancers initially work in a permanent position and only become self-employed once they have gained sufficient professional experience and contacts in the industry. Software developers are particularly in demand. Their average age is astonishingly high: according to a Gulp evaluation, they are 44 years old and have 20 years of professional experience.
Developer shortage? No problem with Business App!
To create a business application with Business App, you don’t need a large team of software developers. Depending on your business application requirements, a configurator and an administrator are enough to create and maintain a workable application.
If you want your own design, it makes sense to consult your web designer or graphic designer, so that he can make adjustments with CSS and HTML, for example. A programmer is only necessary if the application is to be extended with program code due to special needs.